If you see anything that interests you or would like to commission me contact me at simplytreasured99@hotmail.com
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Sunday, June 10, 2007


Okay I know I said I Love Etsy and I do...but now I also love Zazzle! I am really excited because my products bearing my artwork are really starting to sell. Okay, it doesn't mean I am making much money, as I explained in an earlier post the income is minimal. But it is a reassurance that people like/love my work and that in itself what thrills me the most. My father's and mother's day aprons are the biggest hit. On the father's day apron I featured one of my hockey paintings as there are so many Dad's and Grandpa's out there that really support their children's exra-curricular activities. The painting below is the one that appears on the Mother's Day apron.

On a man's ball cap I have this picture of a painting I haven't quite completed. It is a 1957 Red Chev. I can't quite seem to decide how to finish off this painting and then I will put it up for sale.

Anyway, even though I don't do it for the money, I guess I do it more for the exposure and the pure thrill of knowing people enjoy my artwork since that in itself is the reason I paint.

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